
Rush Policies

Premier Teams Volunteer hours:
Each family is assessed $140 volunteer hour fee that is refundable upon completion of working 4 volunteer hours for the Club ($210 and 6 hours worked for multi-player families). Many opportunities to volunteer will be offered throughout the year. Volunteer hours are valued at $35 each. Refunds are issued in one hour increments and will be refunded before the end of the season.

Select Teams Volunteer hours:
Each family is assessed $80 volunteer hour fee that is refundable upon completion of working 2 volunteer hours for the Club ($120 and 3 hours worked for multi-player families). Many opportunities to volunteer will be offered throughout the year. Volunteer hours are valued at $40 each. Refunds are issued in one hour increments and will be refunded before the end of the season.

For a list of volunteer opportunities or to sign up to volunteer, please click Here

Raffle book:
Each Player will need to sell one raffle book (book of 10 tickets for $10 each) as part of the Club Raffle. For families with more than one player in Washington Rush, the requirement is 1.5 books (15 tickets) per family. A portion of the proceeds go directly to fund the Club’s financial aid fund.

A player may withdraw or transfer only IN ACCORDANCE WITH WASHINGTON RUSH POLICIES, RCL RULES, NCYSA RULES, AND WYS RULES AND AFTER MEETING HIS/HER FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS. If a player chooses to withdraw or transfer from the club an administrative fee of $50 will be added to the player's account. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AND, AS EXPLAINED ABOVE, A PLAYER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ENTIRE FEE OBLIGATION (CLUB AND TEAM) BEFORE BEING RELEASED FROM THE CLUB. Players who sustain an injury during the season will not receive a refund on their player or team fees unless the injury keeps them off the field over 6 months and they provide a note from their physician. Exceptions to these rules are at the discretion of the board.