Registration will close July 5th, 2025
U13-U19(11v11) = $925
U11-U12(9v9) = $825
U8-U10(7v7) = $725
+3.5% Credit Card Processing Fee
Sign up with Image Driven Media to have a professional photographer capture live game images just like at the Sounders Game.
- Sign up HERE.
- Flyer HERE.
The disco is back for 2025. As the sun goes down, join the Disco in the tournament village! Etc etc.
Keep on eye open around the fields with multiple tables to stay hydrated with water and Gatorade.
1670 S Burlington Blvd Burlington, Washington 98233
9384 Old Highway 99 NorthBurlington, Washington 98233
1860 S Burlington Blvd Burlington, WA 98233
(360) 757-7100
(800) 426-7866
More Hotels: HERE
If you have any questions regarding Rush Cup 2025, please contact
Tournament Director, Sean Connors at